Tag: monitor

CrowView Note Review – A 14-Inch Portable Monitor with Keyboard & Mouse
Introduction The CrowView Note - 14” is a portable laptop-style monitor with an integrated 14-inch Full HD (1920x1080) IPS display (100% sRGB color gamut) along with a keyboard, touchpad, and speakers. The device easily connects with gadgets like smartphones, computers, Mini PCs, and...
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PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino
Either for benchmarking purposes or as external telemetry to help you stay within the acceptable range for your computer power, super users usually have the desire to have a way of knowing what the performance numbers of your PC are. For today’s tutorial, we will build a PC Hardware...
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Vehicle Battery monitor on a automotive relay form factor
Jesus Echavarria has tipped us with his latest project. A car battery monitor in a Relay form Factor. Unfortunately only hardware details are given and no details on software. He writes: Hi all! I’m really busy this year so I can’t post all the projects where I’m involved....
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PaPiRus Netapp – Monitor your network with Raspberry Pi
Use PiSupply's PaPiRus ePaper display to monitor your network with a Raspberry Pi. Over the past few days I have been converting my “Speedtest-cron” code to work on the PaPiRus from PiSupply. Whilst going over the code, I decided to start a new Git Repository and rename this...
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DIY Home Energy Meter
A new tutorial by The DIY Life is for building a home energy meter that provides information about power consumption and cost estimates for the month. Using Arduino and some other components you can build your own energy meter that measure the supply current to your home through a CT...
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Tiny OLED PC Performance Monitor
Rupert Hirst build a tiny OLED PC performance monitor based on Psyrax's serial monitor. The display monitors CPU and GPU temperature and activity etc. He writes: After a recent purchase of a Nvidia GTX1080 graphics card, 4k monitor plus Doom(2016), I thought it would be great to see...
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CO2, temperature and humidity monitor
An open source CO2 monitoring project from Roving Dynamics: The project described below uses a MH-Z16 or MH-Z19 CO2 sensor and a DHT-22 (or DHT-11 if less accuracy is required) to measure the Temperature and Humidity. It has a 4 line by 20 character LCD Display to show the current...
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30A, PCB-level supply monitor has integrated 300 microΩ sense resistor
Designed to simplify board-level energy measurements, the LTC2947 power and energy monitor for 0V to 15V DC supply rails eliminates the need for an external sense resistor to measure current. by Graham Prophet @ edn-europe.com Choosing a sense resistor, Linear says, is not an easy...
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