Fuel Level Monitor with 15 Segments Bar-Graph Display
This Fuel level Monitor allows users to measure the fuel level using a resistive float sensor in the fuel tank. The project measures the fuel level and displays it on a 15-segment bar-graph display. The project is Arduino-compatible and consists of ATMEGA328 controller. The...
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RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator
This simple Arduino compatible project reads an RC PWM signal (1000μs to 2000μs) and provides 0 to 500Hz pulse output to drive a stepper motor. Step and Direction outputs are open collector types 5V signals. Both signals can directly drive LEDs of optocoupler of stepper drivers. The...
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Sound to Colour Light Effects – Arduino Compatible
This is a fun-loving project based on the Arduino platform. The project creates color light effects with sound level sense by an onboard condenser microphone. The project consists 20 x WS2812B RGB LEDs, an Atmega328 micro-controller, condenser microphone along with pre-amplifier, RCA...
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Arduino Compatible 2-digit 7-segment Display Board for Timer/Counter
The project presented here is an open source 2-digit 7 segment Arduino compatible display board. It can used in many applications that require 2-digit display and switches inputs. Possible application of this board is a 2-digit counter, 2-digit countdown timer, token display, score...
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