Tag: IPM

Smart Power Module for 3-Phase Motor – 5A
This is a Smart power module project designed for Small Power AC Motors. The FNB40560 chip is the heart of the project. A compact inverter project is ideal for small power motors such as fans and pumps. H-bridge configuration can also be created for low current high-voltage brushed DC...
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3-Phase Advance Motion Module – 400VDC – 4A
This is an advanced Motion module providing a fully featured, high-performance inverter output stage for AC induction, BLDC and PMSM motors such as refrigerators, fans, and pumps. This module is based on NFA50460 chip which integrates the optimized gate drive of the built−in IGBTs...
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3 Phase IPM Module for Small Power AC Motor
This is a 3-Phase Inverter Driver project designed for Small Power AC Motors. The project is built using FSB50550AT IPM chip. This compact and reliable inverter project is ideal for small power motors such as fans and pumps. An H-bridge configuration can also be created for low...
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3 Phase Inverter for Low Power AC Motor
This is a 3-Phase Inverter Driver project designed for Low Power AC Motor. The FSB50450AS chip is the heart of the project. A compact inverter project is ideal for small power motors such as fans and pumps. An H-bridge configuration can also be created for low-current high-voltage...
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Development board for Brushless Motor, DC Brushed Motor, AC Motors (Pre-Driver)
The project described here is a pre-driver for brushless motors with a hall sensor. The board incorporates many features like current monitor, fault, speed control, direction control motor start/stop using tactile switches, various function LEDs, 6 PWM LEDs. By combining it with a...
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600W – 230VAC – High Voltage DC Motor Speed Controller – Heater Controller – Lamp/LED Dimmer
This is a very powerful DC Motor speed controller for DC motors up to 330V DC and current up to 2A. Basically, the project is a high voltage PWM source with adjustable frequency and adjustable PWM duty cycle range 0 to 99%. The board has been designed considering many applications...
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600V – 30A IPM Module Carrier Board for Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
This compact IPM module circuit provides a fully-featured, high-performance inverter output stage for AC Induction, BLDC, and PMSM motors. The circuit is based on FNA23060 chip which integrates the optimized gate drive of the built-in IGBTs to minimize EMI and losses, while also...
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High Voltage DC Power Supply for Intelligent Power Modules
Although this power supply design is specific to the Intelligent Power Modules (IPM), the concepts and circuit design may be used for any power supply that requires high voltage output up to 400V DC and 6 A. It is an unregulated power supply, DC output is dependent on AC input. The...
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