Category: Books

Book Release: GaN Power Devices and Applications
The book "GaN power devices and applications" is a guide for designers dealing with GaN devices written by Alex Lidow, founder and CEO of EPC. This company manufactures GaN power transistors. The book was written with input from about 30 experts in power conversion...
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AspenCore Book Highlights GaN’s role for the New Power Electronics World
Why Wide BandGap (WBG), and why GaN specifically? AspenCore Media’s new book, the “AspenCore Guide to Gallium Nitride: A New Era for Power Electronics,” answers those questions and more. WBG power semiconductor devices in silicon carbide and GaN technology provide design...
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A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling
A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling ($24.95, 152 pp., on sale May 28, 2019) is the beginner’s guide to making precise 3D designs, from household objects and art to mechanical parts and even robots. Learn the principles of parametric modeling using Autodesk Fusion, the most powerful...
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Read the Design Engineer’s Guide to Pressure Sensors from Avnet
The advent of smaller, lower-cost and lower-powered pressure sensors has generated a new wave of innovation, increasing efficiency and performance both in the sensors themselves and their applications. The worldwide pressure sensor market is set to grow to $11.4 billion by 2024, as...
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Texas Instruments ebook – LDO Basics
Power management is a fundamental block for all electronic systems. Without it, smartphones, computers and many other electronics we know today would not be possible. With the additional portability, computational power and the myriad of sensors implemented today comes the necessity to...
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Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi
A guide to building robots with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer. Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi ($24.95, 200 pp., January 2019) brings beginners into robotics by focusing its robot-building projects around a $35 credit card-size Raspberry Pi microcomputer. The book’s 19 year-old...
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A Beginner’s Guide to Circuits
First steps in circuit design for the budding electrical engineer. San Francisco, CA (October 25, 2018)—A Beginner’s Guide to Circuits ($17.95, 80 pp., October 2018) introduces beginners to the magic of electronics. With easy-to-follow instructions, it's sure to be the perfect...
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Analog Devices Circuits from the Lab Reference Designs Instrumentation Anthology (pdf)
Analog Devices Circuits from the Lab Reference Designs Instrumentation Anthology (pdf) -...
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