Category: Science

Researchers Develop a Graphene Based Sensor to Visualize Electric Fields
As silicon-based fabrication technology is reaching its operational limits, there is increasing research attention towards developing circuits with 2D materials. The 2D materials are crystals consisting of a single layer of atoms, with their thickness ranging from a single to a...
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DNA Transilluminator with Arduino Nano
Gel Electrophoresis is a laboratory method used to separate macromolecules like DNA, RNA, or protein according to their molecule size. The molecules to be separated are pushed by an electric field through a gel that consists of pores. First of all, the macromolecules are loaded into...
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CosmicWatch muon detector – Building a Cosmic Ray Detector
CosmicWatch is a project from MIT in the US and Poland’s National Center for Nuclear Research, that enables anyone with basic electronic skills to build a low-cost desktop detector for the muon particles which are created when cosmic rays collide with the earth’s atmosphere. In...
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Super Sensor On A Chip can Monitor the Heart and Lungs using Sounds/Vibrations
Daily substantial advancements are being made in the world of wearables, especially for health-related applications. Most of our fantasies around real-time, round-the-clock, non-invasive, out-of-the-way, monitoring of health parameters are now beyond dreams as researchers continue to...
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New Light-Powered AI Chip Tries to Mimic Human Brain
Researchers at RMIT University have developed a new kind of artificial intelligence technology that works by imitating the way a human brain processes visual information. It promises to bring together imaging, processing, machine learning, and memory in one single electronic chip powered...
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Major Breakthrough in Chip Architecture Technology
Keeping in mind the betterment of artificial intelligence and various other CPU intensive workload, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) engineers have developed a new single architecture that combining logic operations and data storage. It may hold the potential to lay the...
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New Study shows Rare form of Magnetic and Electrical Property in stack-twisted Graphene
A group of scientists at Columbia University and the University of Washington has found unique electronic states along with an uncommon kind of magnetism, can develop in a three-layer graphene structure. The work was inspired by current research studies of twisted monolayers or twisted...
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Graphene Infused Most Sensitive Microwave Sensor
A new microwave radiation sensor with the sensitivity of up to 1 single photon, has been developed by research funded by the US Army and various pristine universities. This sensor is a microwave bolometer that can improve thermal imaging, radio communications, and RADAR by 100,000...
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